
Our company constantly invests in upgrading its technical equipment in order to provide high quality services in every project it undertakes (building demolition, blasting with controlled use of explosives, quarries, technical works, environmental measurements, etc.)

Aiming to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact, our company continuously invests in high-tech equipment. From the most modern means of control and monitoring to technologically advanced blasting systems, we remain at the forefront of innovations. Our commitment to the responsible use of technology is reflected in the successful implementation of projects, resulting in our recognition in a competitive and demanding industry.

εξοπλισμός ανατινάξεων μετρήσεων εξόρυξη

We want to innovate in technology, but we are also constantly pursuing new ways to improve safety and efficiency in our operations. Our qualified personnel and careful training ensure the excellent operation of our equipment and its compliance with the highest quality and safety standards. Our unwavering commitment to technological innovation strengthens our position as a leader in the field, reinforcing our reputation for responsibility, reliability and professional excellence.

See some of our projects here and some videos here.

ISO Quality System

We are proud to have installed and implemented a quality system that complies with the high ISO 9001:2015 standards for our services. At EXORIXI S.A., our philosophy is manifested through our dedication to safety, quality and superior execution in every project we undertake.

Special equipment and systems

We continuously invest in advanced technological means to offer safe and effective solutions in building demolition and explosive blasting, ensuring the successful implementation of our projects.

  • Digital blasting seismographs for the measurement of soil and air vibrations

  • Special software for processing - analysis of the blasting seismographs recorded data

  • Noise measurement equipment

  • Dust measurement – recording equipment

  • Special software for blast calculations and planning

  • Velocity of detonation (V.O.D.) measurement systems

  • Special firing systems - primer exploders, calculation and planning systems

  • Systems for granulometric analysis - fragmentation measurement, with photo analysis on a computer

  • Systems for imaging - analysis of rock discontinuities with photo analysis on a computer

  • Long-range LASER systems without the use of a target for imaging – measurements – titrations and for blasting support

  • Equipment for imaging – measuring the position and deviation of perforations

  • Design software and specialised applications for digital and conventional visualisations, digital 3D model creation and custom rendering

  • Support and deployment of geoinformatics, geographic information systems, GIS

καταγραφικός εξοπλισμός ανατινάξεις εξόρυξη

Recording Equipment

Recording equipment for vibration control in an aggregate quarry and a section of the Attiki Odos road. Use of airbags in preparation for slope shaping blasting in a project of EGNATIA ODOS - Petropigi trench.

καταγραφικός εξοπλισμός θορύβου εξόρυξη

Recording Equipment

Noise and airborne dust recording equipment from a control software program in an aggregate quarry.

Imaging Equipment

Left: Imaging of marble quarry with LASER systems, and on the right imaging of blasting area A23 with Autoscanning Laser System.

Recording Equipment

Recording equipment for blast vibration control. From the protection programme of the Holy Monastery of Saint John the Hunter on part of the Attiki Odos.

Recording Equipment

Collection of recording data from a vibration monitoring program application. Right: Equipment for measuring explosion velocity under blast conditions.

Measuring Equipment

Measurements before blasting: measurement of hole deviation

Participation in scientific committees and organizations.

  • Technical Chamber of Greece
  • Panhellenic Association of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers
  • Greek Tunnelling Society
  • Hellenic Society for Geographic Information Systems
  • International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE)
  • European Demolition Association (EDA)
  • Surveying Geology Environment Management Society (SGEM)
  • European Federation of Explosives Engineers (EFEE)
ανατινάξεις κατεδαφίσεις εξόρυξη αε συμμετοχή σε συνέδρεια