The contribution of EXORIXI S.A. to the infrastructure projects of the 2004 Olympic Games

Greece is not only the birthplace of the Olympic Games (776 BC), but also the country where they were revived almost a century ago (1896).

Today, Athens and its wider region (Attica) constitute a metropolitan center of 5 million inhabitants. For the smooth conduct of the 2004 Olympic Games, the modernization, improvement, adaptation and provision of modern infrastructure constituted additional requirements of utmost and critical priority.

EXORIXI S.A. provided and provides responsible consultancy services on blasting issues and technical support to mining activities in projects, which ensure the basic infrastructure and support for the realization of the 2004 Olympic Games.

Some of the most important groups of such projects are:

  • The New International Airport "Eleftherios Venizelos" in Spata, east of Athens.

  • ATTIKI ODOS, the new 70 km long ring motorway, which crosses the northern side of the wider area of Athens (Attica) from the eastern (where the New Airport is located) to the western side, ending at the National Road No. 2 of Athens-Corinth, while it also intersects with the National Road No. 1 Athens-North Greece.

  • ATTIKO METRO, the new network and the extension of the Metro lines in the wider Athens area.

  • Sections of No.1 National Road Athens-North Greece.

  • Sections of No.2 National Road Athens-West Greece.

  • EGNATIA ROAD , the new 680 km long motorway, which crosses Northern Greece from the eastern to the western side.

  • The Railway Network (OSE), which mainly concerns the construction of the new network for high-speed trains throughout Greece.

  • New roads and networks, mainly on the west side of Athens. The new Western ring motorway of Egaleo and the roads connecting the port of Piraeus with Drapetsona and Keratsini.

  • New docks at the port of Piraeus.

EXORIXI SA had undertaken to design and control (control of induced vibrations to prevent risks and avoid damage and other effects) a few tens of thousands of blasts in the last 5-6 years, in blasting projects related to Olympic Games infrastructure in the wider area of Athens, but also throughout Greece.