Blasting planning and implementation

In the field of demolition, EXORIXI S.A. is distinguished for its excellence and know-how in the design and implementation of blasting of all kinds. With a team of qualified professionals and technicians, we offer innovative solutions for the efficient and safe demolition of buildings and infrastructure.

Blasting: Precise design

Blast planning and implementation are complex and specialised procedures applied for the safe and effective demolition of buildings and infrastructure. This scientific approach requires meticulous planning, analysis, and coordination to achieve the desired goals.

Our specialized engineers undertake the detailed design of each type of blasting, taking into account the individual challenges of each project and ensuring absolute accuracy and safety. Check out some projects with blasting here.

ανατινάξεις σχεδιασμός και υλοποίηση ανατινάξεων

Implementation of Blasting

Planning, design, supervision and support for blasting in surface and underground works, tunnelling, subsea works and quarries.

In detail we undertake

The design, training and support for the selection and use of equipment and means for special or new blasting techniques.

The measurement of explosion velocity (V.O.D.), in conditions of actual blasting , quality control – certification of explosives and technical charging of blasting drills.

The granulometric analysis and control of material fragmentation, with the application of computer-based photoanalysis methods.

The selection, design and implementation of special blasting techniques for the formation of slopes and undisturbed surfaces.

The evaluation of causes and examination of measures to prevent the risk of blast ejections.

The control, recording and evaluation of vibrations and noise blasting, the implementation of vibrometric control programs and specialized vibration measurements.

The assessment - monitoring of the risk of damage and adverse effects, the application of evaluation criteria and international standards, special inspections, audits and expert opinions.

The application – correlation of specifications DIN4150, USBM, BS, etc.

ανατινάξεις σχεδιασμός και υλοποίηση ανατινάξεων